

Page history last edited by roger patterson 3 days, 20 hours ago


Online Registration Pre-Registered Pairings Standings Policies GPO on Facebook Sponsors


18th Annual Grand Pacific Open


$8000 Guaranteed Prize Fund.  




Easter 2025

April 18 - 21

Victoria, BC


A 6 round FIDE & CFC rated Swiss

$8000 Guaranteed Prize Fund


The Grand Pacific Open is one of BC's largest chess tournaments and this will be its 18th annual!    The main event is a 6 round FIDE and CFC rated Swiss with  $8000 in prizes.   The Victoria Youth Chess Championship will run just before the main event and  there is also  a free side event   -  Midnight Blitz with $200 in prizes 








Come join us Easter 2025 in Victoria for the Grand Pacific Open!








Grand Pacific Open Details:


PLEASE NOTE:   On Jan. 1, the CFC changed the rating distribution.    Section boundaries and prizes have changed as a result.




Online Registration  or contact us at victoriachessclub@gmail.com  THERE IS NO ONSITE REGISTRATION.


Sections: 4 Sections:  Premier (FIDE and CFC rated); U2000 (CFC rated), U1500 (CFC rated), U1100 (CFC rated)


Round Times Rd 1 at 6:00 pm Friday April 18 ; Rds 2 and 3 at 11:00am and 5:00 pm Saturday April 19;

Rds 4 and 5 at 11:00 and 5:00 pm Sunday April 20; Rd 6 at 10:00 am Monday April 21 Note new round times this year


Prize Fund:  $8000 Guaranteed;   


Premier:    $1400+trophy / $825/ $525 / $325;  U2100 $625 / $450 / $225;  Top BC resident qualifies for BC Closed

U2000:  $550 + trophy / $400 / $275; U1800 $300/ $200 / $125

U1600:  $300 + trophy / $200 / $125;  U1400 $175 / $150 / $125

U1300:  $200 + trophy / $150 / $125; U1100: trophy


- Unrated (top unrated score, winner could be in any section) $125 /  50; 

- Biggest upset $50

- Door prizes for rounds 2-6 (must be present at start of round to win)

- Biggest upset are in addition to any other prize won. 



Time Control: Game in 90 minutes with a 30 second increment


Entry Fee , $100 registered and paid on or before March 10, $110  registered and paid  on or before April 14.  NO ONSITE REGISTRATION.     You may play up a section up to 200 rating points above your rating.  Add $30 if playing up and your  current rating  is within 100 points of the section boundary.   Add $50 if playing up and your current rating is more than 100 points of the section boundary    2nd & higher entries from one family receive a family discount of $30.    Free Entry to those rated over 2400 FIDE provided you register by March 10.   Unrated players may play in either the U1100 or U1500 without playup fee or they may play in the U2000 with a playup fee of $50.    It is recommended that unrated players play in the U1100 unless they have other experience such as online play at chess.com or other with an online rating of at least 1200.


CFC Membership:  CFC membership or CFC Tournament Membership required.   You can order membership in the online registration or by contacting the CFC here:



  • All equipment provided.


Policies:  Please see our policy page for information on our policies for membership, ratings, refunds, and other items of interest.   Please review.




Same great location at the Grand Pacific Hotel!  www.hotelgrandpacific.com

A great rate for chess players and friends  $159/night single or double occupancy standard room, $179 for Signature standard room.

Toll Free: 1-800-663-7550  Phone: 250-386-0450  Email: reserve@hotelgrandpacific.com

A block of rooms will be held until February 28, 2024 at the above rate. The special rate is only available as long as standard rooms are available in the hotel. 

Please book early to have this rate guaranteed.   The hotel has sold out for the last number of years so booking early is advised.

Call or email the hotel and use the booking code MAR25GPO to receive this great rate.  


Side Event Details:


Midnight Blitz   Saturday 9pm or ASAP to midnight, G/5min, 5 double round Swiss, $200 in prizes.   There will be a sign up sheet on Saturday, free entry (even if not in the GPO) if you have signed up by 6:00pm Saturday.  $10 at the door otherwise.


Victoria Youth Chess Championship Friday March (VYCC): Held just before the main event and is a qualifying event for the Canadian Youth Chess Championship (CYCC) and open to all youth players (Canadian and International).  You must register separately from your registration for the Grand Pacific Open.    More information and registration for this event will be published in due course.


Organizers: Victoria Chess (Brian Raymer, Paul Leblanc, Roger Patterson)

TDs: Marc Moisan, NA, Michael Beaulieu, TBD


Contact us at: victoriachessclub@gmail.com






Previous Grand Pacific Opens



2024 Grand Pacific Open

2023 Grand Pacific Open

2022 Grand Pacific Open

2021 Grand Pacific Open (online)

2019 Grand Pacific Open

2018 Grand Pacific Open

2017 Grand Pacific Open

2016 Grand Pacific Open

2015 Grand Pacific Open

2014 Grand Pacific Open

2013 Grand Pacific Open

2012 Grand Pacific Open

2011 Grand Pacific Open

2010 Grand Pacific Open

2009 Grand Pacific Open

2008 Grand Pacific Open

2007 Grand Pacific Open

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